Patient-centred care needs to be guided by an appropriately qualified professional, and addiction is no exception
Dr Laimonas Goncaras (Dr Liam)
MD, MSc, MRCGP, PgDIP(MED), PgDIP(PRESCR), PgDIP(DERM), Subst Misuse part1&2
General Practitioner with a Special Interest in Substance Misuse
Medical Lead at PROMIS Clinics and Withersdaane Hall
Dr Liam has worked as a General Practitioner at The Medical Centre in Maidstone, Kent since 2007. Dr Liam is also lead Primary Care Physician for PROMIS Clinics including the former Imperial College Campus and Rehab Centre at Withersdane Hall in Kent.
Dr Liam graduated form Kaunas University of Medicine (Lithuania) in 2003. He endeavoured in further education in England and obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Medicine (Newcastle University), Prescribing (Greenwich University) and Dermatology (Queens Mary University, London). He also obtained Substance misuse part 1 and part 2 Diplomas from the Royal College of General Practice and is also a proud member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).
Since the early days of his career he was a very keen player in the Substance Misuse Services in Kent, running a Shared Care Service (methadone and suboxone) for the his practice patients and also being the member of a Steering Group with KCA.
Dr Liam advises other primary care physicians and doctors on substance misuse, painkillers and appropriate prescribing.
Personal philosophy to patient care
“Substance misuse patients need to understand that they are not necessarily ‘bad’ people, but that they suffer from an illness. My patients need and get high degrees of attention to detail. It is usually not just the patient who is affected - as addiction can involve the rest of the family too. Patient-centred care needs to be guided by an appropriately qualified professional, and addiction is no exception”.
Dr Laimonas Goncaras is author of the article - Painkillers and Addiction in Primary Care
Dr Laimonas Goncaras's Places of Practice
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